Deputy District Grand Prefect Visits New Century Council
The Allied Masonic season started in fine style on Friday 1st. September at the regular meeting of New Century Council No. 162 in Southport. The council was honoured with the presence of V.W.Bro. Graham Paul Snape P.G.Reg./ Deputy District Grand Prefect.
Can. Bro Eric Morris with WM Mark Barton
W.Bro. Maurice Evans P.G.Std. B./ Council DC 
After the Council was opened the Deputy District Grand Prefect was welcomed by the Worshipful Master. Bro. Mark Barton
After the domestic part of the business was completed a ballot took place for a new candidate Bro. Eric Morris a Southport Mason to be admitted a member of the order.
1585  Dep. D.G.P with WM and Can.
The ballot proved in favour of Bro. Morris and on an alarm the Candidate was admitted into the Degree by the Worshipful Master in an exemplary manner.
The lecture was given by W.Bro. Maurice Evans P.G.Std B./The Councils Director of Ceremony in as faultless a manner one expects from a D.C.
Next on the agenda was to elect the Worshipful Master and Treasurer for the ensuing year. On this occasion, the Brother Junior Warden Bro. Geoffrey H. Lee was elected Master and V.W.Bro. Robert Y. McGown P.G.Reg./Dist. G. Chap. was elected Treasurer. Both suitably responded.
The Deputy District Grand Prefect gave greetings on behalf of the Grand and District Grand Officers.
The Lodge was closed and all the brethren retired to the bar for liquid refreshment. The festive board was an epicurean delight, not unusual for Southport.
In response to the toast to his health the Deputy District Grand Prefect congratulated the Worshipful Master and the Council on the quality of the work. He congratulated Bro. Morris on being admitted into the order and New Century Council in particular.
The evening concluded with the toast to the visitors, as usual there is no response. The visitors thanked their respective host and made their way home, another good night over.  
Report and photos by Ernest Gavan